Audio Archive

The Scriptures

Here we host downloadable .mp3 audio files of the fellowship teachings. We began recording the teachings for personal use, before any plans had been made for this website. For that reason, unfortunately, the earliest Torah teachings available to us is from the Book of Numbers, chapter 7 – unless we get lucky and find some others along the way!

  • Also missing are Numbers, chapters 13-15 and 28-32, which will be added later if they are found.
  • Teachings involving subjects other than a specific Book and Chapter can be found under “Miscellaneous.”

Bemidbar (Numbers)

Debarim (Deuteronomy)

Yehoshua (Joshua)

Shophetim (Judges)

Shemu’el Aleph (1 Samuel)

Shemu’el Bet (2 Samuel)

Melakim Aleph (1 Kings)

Melakim Bet (2 Kings)

Yeshayah (Isaiah)


Romiyim (Romans)

Qolasim (Colossians)

Ib’rim (Hebrews)

Hazon (Revelation)
